Fighting COVID-19


As we recover from the chaos of COVID-19, the need is arising to reclaim our lives, get back into shape, and improve our over all health. With that said, all of us at COBRA KAI MARITAL ARTS want to assure you that we are taking the necessary precautions to provide a safe environment for all our members to workout and reconnect with friends and family.

In order to accomplish our goal of re-opening the gym we have developed a plan and set of procedures for combating COVID-19 we call "FIGHT THE VIRUS." Our strategy  is to proceed slowly and cautiously, taking into consideration the latest updates concerning the virus. The following information on this page will outline our plan and provide the necessary steps required to accomplish our goal of re-opening Cobra Kai.

Facts over Fear

"To be victorious you must know your enemy."
- Sun Tzu from The Art of War 

Information about your opponent is the key to winning. It isn't any different when it comes to combating COVID-19. It is important to get accurate and updated information in order to properly defeat the virus. 

Membership Options:
We will work with you

For those members who requested their membership to be put on hold and do not feel comfortable returning to the gym at this time, we will continue to keep your membership on hold. If you have any questions or would like to make changes to your membership, you my use the form below to contact us directly. Please avoid calling the gym at this time as we have reduced our staffing hours. 

About My Membership

Trust is Essential 

Now more than ever, we are trusting our fellow students, training partners, and gym staff to behave responsibly. We will all be expected to act with the best interest of each other in mind. Our goal is to create and maintain a training environment we all can trust to be safe. 

Things You Can Do

✔ Wash hands with soap and water for 30 seconds.
✔Cover cough or sneeze with your hand or cloth.
✔ Wear a mask if you go outside.
✔ Wash uniform after every training session.
✔ Wipe down and disinfect machines and weights after every use.
✔ Wipe down and disinfect heavy bags, boxing gloves, and shin pads before and after every working out.
✔ Practice social distancing and don't hangout in the gym after your class. 
✔ Avoid shaking hands and touching your face.

Everything you need to know about returning to the gym... 

1. Reserve your spot in class...

In order to maintain social distancing, all classes will be limited to a set number of participants. This will also ensure a higher-quality of instruction in each class. In addition, the number of people walking in and out of the gym will be tightly controlled. Please use the Zen Planner App to reserve your spot in class prior to arriving at the gym. 

2. Check in at the front desk before class...

We will be doing everything in our ability to maintain an environment of TRUST so that you feel it is safe to train. Before for members are allowed to participate in class, we will be checking everyone's temperature at the front desk. Please arrive early enough that you can be checked before your class starts.

3. Disinfect and sanitize your workout space after class...

Especially now, it is extremely important that we work together in order to maintain gym cleanliness. Before class is over every student will be expected to help wipe down and disinfect their workout space, including heavy bags and mat area

Everything we are doing to protect and keep you safe... 

We are committed to

providing a safe and healthy
gym environment
you can TRUST!!!

Every morning and throughout the day, we will be implementing our "FIGHT THE VIRUS" plan and procedures which include the following: 

  • Deep cleaning the gym each morning before classes
  • Mopping & disinfecting the mats after each class
  • Hourly restroom checks in order to disinfect and sanitize all surfaces
  • Wiping down and disinfecting all weights & machines in the Fitness Center
  • Cleaning all counter tops and frequently touched surfaces 
  • Disinfecting gym equipment such as heavy bags and focus mitts
  • Strictly enforcing limited class size and room occupancy restrictions
  • Checking temperatures of everyone entering the gym
  • Providing cleaning materials, sanitizer, and hand soap
  • Keeping you informed regarding updates about COVID-19

Tips to help yourself and family maintain mental health...  


  • Limit media exposure and access reliable resources for information
  • Practice proper hygiene
  • Remain positive and focus on gratitude
  • Maintain a routine and stay organized
  • Eat healthy, exercise, play, and laugh often
  • Stay connected with your family, friends, and community
  • Establish times of silence, meditation, or prayer

Know the Symptoms
& Understand the Risks

"Self-care is a priority and a necessity. By taking care of yourself, you are also taking care of the world."
- Baudolino De'leon from A State of Being Waiting to be Ratified 

If you have any symptoms or are at risk, it’s especially important to stay home and avoid in-person contact with others.

Coronavirus symptoms include:
✔Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
✔Repeated shaking with chills
✔Muscle pain
✔Sore throat
✔New loss of taste or smell

You can check your symptoms using the Symptom Screener or by contacting your doctor through telehealth.

Some people are at higher risk to get very sick from COVID-19, including:

✔People over 65 years old
✔People with compromised immune systems
✔Individuals who have serious chronic medical conditions like:
     -Heart disease
     -Lung disease

If you or someone you’re close to is at higher risk, avoid going out, or limit your trips. Use delivery services whenever possible for needed supplies.

Caregivers can find resources at the Department of Aging website, including guidelines to protect the health and safety of both you and your loved one from COVID-19.

Find the latest safety tips, trusted sources, and health terms to keep you and your loved ones informed during this public health emergency. 

Welcome back to 
Cobra Kai Martial Arts 

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